It is said that anime is mostly watched by children. But looking at the changing scenario love for the anime is seen equally in the teens and many more. It can be assured that while growing up also the craze for these graphic cartoons is enormous. Such craze is seen in some anime like” Akams ga kill”.
Lovers of the anime are so much crazy that they eagerly wait for the anime and just when the series is completed. The social media is flooded by the comments “we want season 2 returns”.
When it comes to anime Magma holds a special place in the hearts of anime lovers. Various worth remembering anime like Dragon Ball, Attack on Titan, Akams ga gill, etc they have produced
Sit comfortably, we are here to brief you about the most haunted gore anime “Akams ga Kill”. This series started streaming in March 2014 and its premiere ended in December 2016. This haunting graphics anime was written by Takahiro and illustrated by Tetsuya Tashiro.
When Will Akams ga kill Season 2 Released?.
There is no confirmed date till now when it will be released. The last episode. Ended. in December 2016. Since then 5 years had passed and there is no concrete base about its return. It is assumed that This season the anime will have a new storyline .and the number of episodes may vary.
Now also the memories of the anime will be fresh in the hearts of crazy lovers. How can they forget, the dissected body into pieces of the characters with blood being spread everywhere? Its graphic nature was so haunting that some scenes of ( Akams ka gill) were blacked out in Japan.
Remembering the first season if you have been gone through, any character can be killed at any point in time, no matter how much important the character was to the series Akams ka gill. Even sometimes it becomes awkward that nothing can be predicted as anyone can be killed anytime.
Where Will be the English Dubbed Version Available to Watch?
The dubbed version of the show( Akams Ka Gill) with its English subtitles will be available on Netflix and the official website of Sentai Filmworks.
The first season has 24 episodes. It was a Japanese Magma series first launched in Japan. It can also be titled “Akams ga Kiru”.
The plot :
The story of Akams ga kill revolved around a group of assassins called Night Raid. They also belong to the revolutionary army. The sole purpose of these assassins is to overthrow the government of the Prime Minister. He is a selfish and most corrupted person who looks after his need leaving the rest of the nation goes in vain.
The story takes a turning point when a villager Tatsumi joins this group. After being looted by corrupted offices in his journey to the capital. This young boy shows the path of fulfilling their sole purpose. Season 2 will be back with a new amazing story lineup and having the most thrilling graphics.
Crazy fans Call for Season 2.
The anime lovers flooded Twitter and other social sites with the passing comment for this series Akams ga kill. They want to demand its renewal. But till now there is no solid confirmation about its return.
Stay tuned to Global Coverage for the latest updates.