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  Message From Party's Leader
Lindsay Grant

We are all aware that this is a very critical time in the political history of our Country, and there is much concern and dissatisfaction among the people. We all recognize that the future of St. Kitts and Nevis cannot be allowed to continue under the shadow of the present perilous economic and social crisis. In less than five years, the present administration has destroyed the vibrant and prosperous economy they inherited in July 1995. The national train of economic and social development has been halted in its once progressive tracks by an inexperienced, incapable and corrupt Labour regime, whose development focus is limited to friends and family. The People’s Action Movement has always operated on the basis of putting people first. We have always...
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 Hon. Shawn Richards
Budget Speech 1
 Hon. Shawn Richards
Budget Speech 2
 Voter's List Duplicates
 From The Leader's Desk
 PAM Manifesto 2004
 PAM Economic Vision
 Electorial Reform Letter
 The History of P.A.M. - The Early Beginnings

THE ELECTRICITY MARCH - "Protest March Against Proposed Electricity Charges Tomorrow" was the heading of a small article on the front page of the Democrat of 19 December, 1964. Who would have thought then that this humble beginning would herald in the progressive, vibrant and well respected Peoples Action Movement Party of today.

The article stated: "A demonstration to protest against the high cost of electricity which Government intends to impose, is due to take place tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon in Basseterre.

The demonstration will leave Warner Park at 3.00 p.m. and proceed to Government House. It is being arranged by a special committee, led by Dr. W. V. Herbert and Mr. C. Dickenson."The demonstration protesting the dramatic increase in the price of electricity to the small consumer did in fact take place.  {Read More...}

 All Content Copyrighted © 2009 By The People's Action Movement